What Is NFT Utility

4 min readDec 1, 2022


New NFT projects constantly emerge and grow in volume and visibility, but what is the utility of NFT? Is it more than just having a fun PFP? You can’t call all these purported “benefits” of using non-fungible tokens utilities, can you? Let’s delve into this text’s increasingly important discussion.

How do NFTs work?

First, it’s important to consider the basis for NFTs’ existence. Everyone who needs help understanding the cryptocurrency hype asks the same questions repeatedly.


Nft Utilities are a diverse class of NFTs with various real-world uses. They are distinctive and typically made with smart contracts, just like any other NFT. Additionally, they have similar immutability, transparency, and security characteristics.

Nft utilities, in contrast to regular NFTs, place more emphasis on the benefits, rewards, and real-world uses they provide NFT holders than on how collectible they are.

Utility NFT applications

As a ticket for exclusive events and goods, NFTs could have several practical applications, including serving as digital tickets for exclusive events. Some projects have already given holders of their utility tokens exclusive access to events held behind closed doors. Event planners can verify these digital VIP tickets just like traditional tickets because each NFT is unique, so there is no need to worry about ticket fraud.

In The Gaming Sector

Undoubtedly, the NFT gaming market has grown to be a hot one for the blockchain industry. It should be no surprise that utility NFTs are used to streamline monetary transactions, and general gameplay in the gaming world since NFTs are the foundation of this ecosystem and the Metaverse. This covers using NFTs as exclusive in-game items, collectibles, or valuables that can be redeemed in a play-to-earn (P2E) model. For those who have never played blockchain games, game NFTs can be exchanged for fiat money on a secondary market like Binance NFT Marketplace.

Through projects, utility NFTs have also been introduced in the fashion and art industries.

NFTs, digital versions of luxury items, may be sold in online auctions. The winning bidders will then receive their physical loot. Soon, augmented reality may also enable users to try on virtual outfits in the fashion metaverse.

Additionally, unlike conventional NFTs, where the token represents the artwork, a physical work of art could be sent as proof of purchase, enabling fine art collectors to display their priceless collection in person. Since NFTs are all about creating unique digital assets, like their real-life counterparts, this is a popular way to give them more utility. The value of the NFT services and corresponding physical products will increase if similar unique pieces are used.

For Virtual Real Estate

NFT-based metaverse projects have begun introducing virtual Land as we approach a new era of the Internet. You only need to conduct your research (DYOR), make an investment, and then wait to get your NFT plot to own a piece of Land. Some initiatives also let owners of virtual real estate take on the role of virtual landlords and lease their property to others. Check out our article on How to Buy Land in the Metaverse if you’re interested in owning digital property.

Commercial Rights as a utility for NFTs

Although NFT owners have uncontested and secure ownership, some collections may also grant owners commercial rights.

This implies that by buying an NFT, even if it’s just a beautiful image, you could obtain a license to use the NFT brand for any outside project, such as a corporate or promotional one.

The Bored Ape Yacht Club, the world’s largest and most well-known collection of NFTs, is the ideal illustration of this utility. The images belong to the owners of BAYC’s NFTs, who have the commercial rights to use them in other works.


Even if you aren’t interested in collecting NFTs, you should consider getting one of these utility NFTs because it might have a practical benefit. Utility NFTs have a variety of uses and will probably see even more emerge in the future, whether it be passive income generation or having exclusive access to experiences and goods.

An NFT’s utility increases its value in addition to the fact that it is the owner of a unique NFT asset. In the future, NFT creators and platforms can keep releasing new utilities to support the growth of a select group of NFT owners. The importance of NFTs will increase as Web 3.0 develops for both their developers and owners. If you’re an investor considering adding NFTs to your portfolio, remember that these tokens are more useful and valuable than collectible tokens.




ChainTechSource is a leading, technically enhanced NFT development company with a team of blockchain experts. Connect with us now- https://chaintechsource.com/